
LynxNXT Automation System

<p>LynxNXT Automation System is a comprehensive next-generation automation environment that is an open system for flow automation configuration.?</p>
<p>Developed by chip designers for chip designers, LynxNXT Automation System is based on automating tool flows from the industry-leading <a href="/content/synopsys/en-us/implementation-and-signoff/fusion-design-platform.html">Fusion Design Platform?</a> and can easily be configured to support any tool, any flow.<br />

Design Automation Environment for Higher Productivity and Predictability

LynxNXT Automation System is a comprehensive next-generation automation environment that is an open system for flow automation configuration.?

Developed by chip designers for chip designers, LynxNXT Automation System is based on automating tool flows from the industry-leading Fusion Design Platform? and can easily be configured to support any tool, any flow.

User Benefits

  • Provide consistent design environment across any design discipline
  • Visualization technology provides intuitive, easy-to-use flow creation, execution, job monitoring, and project reporting
  • Build innovative and sophisticated automated system solutions such as circuit validation, correlation, and IP regression to improve productivity
  • Fusion Platform Methodology builds on production-proven Fusion-based reference methodologies delivering fast and predictable results with best out-of-the-box QoR
  • Adaptive Resource Optimization automates right-sizing of job queue submissions